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Reunimos más de 30 años de experiencia conjunta en estructuración financiera.

Principios corporativos: confianza, transparencia y experiencia del equipo de trabajo

Our Team

El equipo gestor cuenta con experiencia en el sector financiero, especializados en la administración de activos U$ 7 billones con entidades vigiladas con entes de control nacionales e internacionales, con foco en originación y valoración de activos alternativos en Latam.

Angelica Arcila

Former commercial vice president at Fiduciaria Corficolombiana with more than 25 years of commercial experience in the Colombian financial sector.

Exvicepresidente comercial en la Fiduciaria Corficolombiana con más de 25 años de experiencia comercial en el  sector financiero Colombiano


  • Administración de Empresas – Universidad de la Sabana
  • Especialización en Banca – Universidad de Los Andes

CORPORATE COMMERCIAL STRATEGY – Design and direction of the strategy for attracting FIC and Private Equity Funds with trust structures for corporate clients, as well as advice on the implementation of recognized M&As. + $20 BILLION COP Fiduciaria Corficolombiana and fiducor


John F. Linares

More than 17 years of experience in control, direction and financial management and risk management in companies such as Davivienda and Systemgroup.

More than 17 years of experience in financial control, direction and management and risk management in companies such as Davivienda and Systemgroup.


  • Financial Engineering – Universidad Piloto
  • Specialization in Finance – Universidad de los Andes
  • Executive MBA – INALDE
  • Company valuation – Pilot
  • Banking Management – Externado
  • Financial Management – Universidad de los Andes

Juan F. Nieto

Extensive experience in structuring operations in the corporate and banking sector, Banco Davivienda and Systemgroup.

Successful structuring of Business Models and operations for local, LATAM and global clients, Investment Banking and Asset Management for more than $500 MM COP


  • Industrial Engineering – Universidad de la Sabana
  • Human Talent Management – Universidad de la Sabana

Jaime Gamboa

More than 40 years of experience in the banking and corporate sector. Current member of the boards of directors of Multibank Colombia, Financiera Juriscoop, Pacific Bank, Grupo Raphael MMG Asset Management, La Reserva Promotora Inmobiliaria and Real State Management Corp.

More than 40 years of experience in the banking and corporate sector. Current board member of Multibank Colombia, Financiera Juriscoop, Pacific Bank, Grupo Raphael MMG Asset Management, La Reserva Promotora Inmobiliria and Real State Managment Corp.

  • President Multibank Colombia
  • President Bancafe (Panama)/Banco Davivienda (Panama) S.A.
  • President Central de Inversiones S.A.

Hernan Rivera

More than 40 years of experience in the banking and corporate sector. Current member of the Supervisory Board of the Siemens Foundation and speaker at Euro Finance Miami.

More than 40 years of experience in the banking and corporate sector. Current member of the Supervisory Board of Fundación Siemens and speaker at Euro Finance Miami.

  • CFO Siemens Financial Services for Andean Region
  • Regional Head of Finance Siemens S.A
  • Treasurer for Andean Region

Germán Nieto

More than 30 years of experience in the financial sector in the areas of Strategy (B2B and B2C), Product, Commercial. High knowledge of commercial transformation, management of face-to-face and digital channels.

Responsible for the Design and execution of the Retail Commercial Strategy + 95 billion COP – Deposit, Placement and Insurance BANCO DAVIVIENDA

  • Commercial Director Banco Davivienda Retail Banking
  • Business Administration – Universidad Externado
  • Specialization in marketing – Universidad de los Andes
  • Banking Management – Universidad de los Andes
  • Saint Joseph’s University
Country Manager Colombia

Mauricio Luna

More than 25 years of experience in credit areas in banking entities such as: Bancolombia, Davivienda and Banco Itaú, 5 years of experience in structuring for more than COP 250,000 MM.

More than 25 years of experience in credit areas in banking entities such as: Bancolombia, Davivienda and Banco Itaú, 5 years of experience in the structuring of more than COP 250,000 MM.


  • Industrial Engineering – Universidad de los Andes
  • Specialization in Finance – Universidad de los Andes
  • MBA – Universidad de los Andes
Financial Planner

Luz A. Martinez

More than 24 years of experience in financial, accounting and planning areas for financial companies and the real sector.

More than 24 years of experience in financial, accounting and planning areas for financial and real sector companies.


  • Business Administration – Universidad Pedagógica
  • Specialization in Finance – Universidad EAFIT
Head of Structrure

Carlos A. López

Business Designer and structurer of high-impact financial projects.

Business Designer and structurer of high-impact financial projects, with experience in a wide range of industries, including retail, energy and healthcare.

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